I currently reside in Santa Cruz California. I have expertise in design, branding, marketing, and video production. I have a large set of skills and a knack for quickly learning new tools in a changing environment. I enjoy a challenge and using my creativity and problem solving to overcome obstacles.
BS degree in Digital Design from Utah Tech University.
NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization. They specialize in providing free resources and education for communities in need. I coordinated, wrote questions for, conducted, recorded, and edited interviews to be used as promotional material. This included interviews with staff, volunteers, and politicians. I also researched, scripted, recorded, edited, and animated instructional videos. Finally I collected community feedback on their website and gave advice on improving user interaction for their website.
Urban Works is a non-profit organization that works to provide experiences and activities for people with disabilities. My work for them included: Making brand guidelines, helped fix their website, working to teach employees how to implement brand guidelines into the company and create well designed flyers, and I also created business material for them such as business cards, and letter heads.
Sweets You Can Eat is a healthy baking company based out of Santa Cruz California that makes cookbooks and bake mixes that are gluten free and vegan. I have was in charge of making their cookbook covers, promotional videos, food/product photography, and gave advice to the website designer.
Southern Quill is a literary journal for Utah Tech University. I was responsible for the design and layout of the book and collaborating with the editors. I used InDesign to format and create the literary journal that included short stories, Poetry and Art. I also made the book cover and created other promotional material. My other responsibilities included helping the art editor with art selections.
Neurodev is a collage age treatment center that focuses on tech and developmental disabilities. I have been doing on and off contract work for them since 2020. Part of my work for the company included video production for promotional videos and making logos for related companies. I also am teaching staff how to use adobe software.
UHSAA runs high school soccer in Utah. I am a referee for varsity soccer. This role often includes working in intense high pressure and fast paced work environments surrounded by hostile people. It also includes working with and leading a 3 person team in a fast action high stakes environment where players we are in charge of often have scholarships on the line. This job has helped me develop the skills to navigate situations where you have many people with conflicting expectations.
UYSA runs youth competitive soccer in Utah. I am a lead referee and mostly officiate games ages 13-18 for UYSA. I often have to deal with upsets parent, players, and coaches. My ability to deescalate conflict and deal with verbal harassments and physical intimidation is key in my ability to be an effect referee. This includes managing physically aggressive parents and occasionally spectators showing deadly weapons as intimidation. Having 500 people booing at you and yelling insults while officiating a highschool age state championship is and effective way to learn to stay calm under pressure.